RTopalov on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rtopalov/art/Realm-of-Water-The-Pirate-King-213669652RTopalov

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November 5, 2011
Realm of Water The Pirate King by ~RTopalov
Featured by moonbeam13
Suggested by Pheotive
RTopalov's avatar

Realm of Water The Pirate King




my name is Radoslav Topalov. This is my final entry for the RIFT Create a Colossus Contest.

My boss monster is called The Pirate King. He is master of the oceans and all its inhabitants. I had lots of fun creating him and I hope he is as fun to look at.

Good luck to all the entrants !
Image size
750x1000px 613.46 KB
© 2011 - 2024 RTopalov
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Qnqura's avatar
Wow! ip like this one! I just started out drawing myself and atm I am learning about colors. So I just wondered whether it would be according to color theory to put in some warm colors or accents in this to balance out all the blues. Could you tell me why you decided only for blue?